Thursday, August 27, 2009

the ice chest

tin night cap
worn in sheets, rain and
real fireflies
find stains on suit jacket, glance
knowingly, heavily grooved
tongue trail
everything was champagne,
sex, firefighting and scallops
i love your voice
pressure cook me in
the atlantic, hold hot
stricken joints
like wands
girl with bedroom eyes
you wont find
explanations in the ether
waiting like a crocodile
until it's too late
how many more sets do you have?
tall tale telling
just because

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

theres just one thing i have to do first

last night i have a dream
that makes me question everything
and i wake up
sad on such a
perfectly fine day
i hate fine
i hate changing lanes
like flailing, mid air, after
rock jumping, creep hopping
your skin is a place
i could live in like a city
street goddess
since i cant sleep, and dont want to call
i told you I would write you one
okay you can quit now - (i guess i knew )
two penguins can find each
other after
despite long long distance
lets be like deep sea fish, glowing
behind eyes, mate for life
you are so beautiful
trying to change lanes

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

meteor might

canyon eyes
our love reflects
an avalanche of breadsticks
clean carpets
tahoe blackjack

food bin line
la selva beach
you really should be honest
stop giving your love
you changed your hair cut
meteor shower and the red moon
mildly wild and evidently nonexistent
(inside the 7-squared miles somewhere)

what if i say- i just want to lay next to you, then what -
you are stranger than him (and just as likeable )
so strange and likable -

something likes the ocean
under armour
where the wild things are
you must really love her
talk of surfing and a non-profit
welcome home
bow tie boy
eye-flirting between missions

what do you do when you have nobody? -
fate brought us together
playing, like kids, in the creek

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

i need a running mate

im an unattractive
candidate, i know, but
ive got a bundle full
of pencils
from all over the world
color sorted and rubber banded
doesnt this count for anything?
i love foaming hand soap
and steam rooms
breathing in laundry
until im lightheaded, spun
laundry tells a lot about a person, dont
you think?
please dont judge me
i wore a tag still on a shirt today
she caught it
cut it
with sharp shearing scissors
we talked about his tomatoes
(why cant i ever shut up)
i was planning on returning it, to
afford it, to
give it back
whats a girl gotta do in this town
to catch a break
its make or break
noodles and butter nostalgia, some
home i once had
i had a home
i cant swallow anymore, just
thick lumps and clumps and its
a poor thing, dry
noodles, i flush
them down the toilet
everythings bubbling over
pink towels, sop it
up, soak it
up, dear god, cross your fingers, dont
let me mess this
raccoons and radios, tan shoulders
and smooth bellies, roll over
i love your lower
and foaming hand soap
certain toothpaste and dry
roasted nuts