Thursday, May 7, 2009

rants and raves

i forgot how much i like cereal, like, just cheerios. im going to buy a huge box from trader joes and just eat cereal all weekend long from those white bowls you have in the cabinet. they are perfect cereal bowls and it will taste just right.
if i see another apartment with carpet im going to freak out. who puts carpet in apartments anymore. you are ruining the integrity of the wood and my feet and the lives of people who dont want to buy vacuums. we just want to buy mops.
i also hate politics, like office politics, and obsessing about them and gossip. i hate gossip. i love gg but not kitchen old lady gossip. chismosa. its annoying. shut up.
i love home made cards and all the kids make their own envelopes out of construction paper and staples, plus long strands of tape and i wonder if tape is a renewable resource. because we use a lot of it. postage, however, is going up 2 cents. thats annoying. i hate the post office (dawson) but ima go buy like four hundred of those forever stamps and use that shit, for like, ever. cause somethings are timeless like that.
like cheerios.

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